cash book
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core - cash book module

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CASH BOOK MODULE is a user-friendly application to record all payments and receipts of the business. As our system is live, the transactions posted in the cash book are updated immediately in the general ledger, customers and suppliers.
Key features:
red arrow You are able to post payments and receips transactions to the general ledger, suppliers and customers. Post payments and receipts  
red arrow You are able to post new transaction items or post a payment/receipt against an item (i.e invoice) or against multiple items. Post a new transaction or against an item/items  
red arrow You are able to import your bank statements from your bank. Import bank statements  
red arrow You are able to easily process settlement discounts by applying a percentage or an amount against the transaction. Process settlement discounts  
red arrow You are able to view the cash book transactions as well as the full details of the batch. View cash book transactions  
red arrow You are able to open multiple cash book general ledger accounts. Multiple cash book accounts